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Become Part of The Trust

Are you interested in joining the Trust or are you interested in the range of professional development the Trust has on offer?  

As a group of schools, we aspire to work beyond the confines of our schools, working alongside schools outside of the Trust and outside of our communities to improve outcomes for all pupils. 

We offer a range of professional development which includes: 

  • Programme of professional development for all Early Years staff. This is planned across the year and differentiated to support the learning needs of staff at various levels of their careers. The programme also allows staff to visit other schools in the Trust and share and learn from strong practice 
  • Programme of professional development also includes moderation and assessment support for Early Years 
  • To support improving outcomes for SEND pupils we have a range of expertise in the Trust both in the central team and in schools to support pupils with SEND. We have a strong track record in improving outcomes for SEND pupils and welcome developing SENDCos, senior leadership teams and individual staff in improving provision for SEND pupils. Our SENDCos meet at least termly to support development of provision for SEND pupils 
  • Subject leader development. We run development for subject leaders throughout the year and will signpost individual training sessions on the website and social media 
  • Development of the curriculum. We have significant skills, experiences and track record at supporting leaders to develop the ambition for their curriculum 
  • Safeguarding. We have very strong Safeguarding practices across the Trust. We use half termly professional development support of all of our Designated Safeguarding Leads to ensure that Safeguarding is given the highest priority and that the curriculum reflects this. 
  • Governance. We are skilled at working alongside governing bodies and improving governance. 
  • Writing. We have developed effective support for all our Writing leads to ensure that schools have a strong Writing strategy. As a result of this, outcomes for our pupils have significantly improved. Regular moderation of Writing across the Trust supports the leader’s development 
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Frays Academy Trust

LDBS Frays Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by
guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company
number 0833507

Registered Office:
c/o Cowley St Laurence CE Primary School
Worcester Road, Cowley, Middlesex, UB8 3TH